
Hello. My name is Carol. I am a writer, teacher and entrepreneur. I came to Canada from Jamaica in 1986 and have been a Canadian citizen for most of my life. I majored in French at Queen’s University. I am passionate about foreign languages and the arts. You can find out a little bit about me here, see my language learning website here and see what I care about in an article here.

This is an article I recently wrote for my local newspaper on the things that unite us. Since there is so much for us to disagree about these days, I am particularly interested in the things that unite us as Canadians.

From the article, you can see that I live in PEI. After living in the GTA for 35 years, I relocated to Prince Edward Island. I like quiet, nature walks and prefer to stay away from social media.

However, recently I learned about an attack against the country I love. This prompted me to take a break from my quiet boring lifestyle to fight for Canada.

I feel like I am uniquely qualified to help with this because I have a lot of experience with boycotts. Even though I don’t often announce it with trumpets, when I see a corporate entity or any group behaving badly, or in an oppressive way, I take action. I fight back with my wallet and cut off any funding from me to them.

This is why I know that the right way to handle these tariff threats is through an organized boycott against select American products. If you love Canada too and think that these tariffs are wrong, find out exactly how to go about it here.

I hope that you will join me in this fight.
