Sentiment Pulse Checker: What are people saying about retaliation against the tariffs?

In my last post, I mentioned how difficult it can be to get people to focus on a cause when people are divided along several lines. I also mentioned that people may be reluctant to look at a solution based on where the solution came from.

Here is what happened on Twitter when a Canadian politician said that he would retaliate and how he would retaliate. The mishmash of comments includes several people voicing their previous grievances against that politician instead of focusing on the issue at hand. It also includes a number of comments from American Tweeters who seem to believe hook line and sinker that Canada just needs to do what Trump said and fix the border and the tariffs issue will be fixed.

I am pasting the comments between asterix. To see the comments on Twitter, read the tweet here.

NOTE: Please use your discernment and a very large grain of salt while reading these tweets. As you know from recent foreign interference stories, this could be a combination of Canadians, people pretending to be Canadians, Americans and people pretending to be Americans.

NOTE #2: Some of the tweets below contain strong language.

Twitter Comments about Doug Ford’s statement about cutting off America’s energy/electricity.


Canadians don't want an economic war with the US. We will lose. We want our government to concede to the demands of Trump. Secure the border. Fix our immigration system. Politicians shouldn't have to be threatened into doing their job.


The U.S. could tap South America for energy, hell, they could even prop up Venezuela to sideline Canada, 'cause let's face it, they've got the ultimate power ‘MONEY ’


Doug Ford is helping Trump make his case for energy independence Trump is playing chess Ford is playing checkers


What energy. Ontario doesn't produce energy. He want's to cut off Alberta's energy exports? Kind of outside his jurisdiction...


I hope he does, because it means either the Americans take us seriously when it comes to trade, or tanks roll across the border. Win-win for us in Ontario regardless of the outcome.


Fix the border and there will be no tariffs! It's not that difficult!


He’s been bullying Canadians so long he thinks he can bully Trump. Besides since when did he control energy?


 Because he likes Border and fentanyl crimes? Why not just fix the issue instead of trying to act like a tough guy?


So would this finally mean Ontario residents pay less for Hydro?


Between the tariffs and no income from the oil you guys will all be eating at soup kitchens in no time. Your leadership is brilliant.


THIS is the plan


Another Ontario elected failure!


Doug forgot he's supposed to be a Conservative again.


This guy so confused he is a member of the “Progressive Conservative Party”  I mean, which is it, eh?


Another tool


Oh boy...


I don’t think going public with this was a wise move. I predict this backfires. By tomorrow.


bro what are we doing lmao stop this immediately


Or, clean up the border.


Anything but fix the problem


Doug... Trudeau's conservative liberal




Doug Ford is an absolute embassament to the PC government. Is there no better candidate in Ontario PC party then this fucking moron ?


Fucking idiots you will lose to  every time don't try and be tough guys now you feminist clowns


Great response from Doug Ford.


Dougie please. Be a good boy and sit down.


So instead of securing the border (which also benefits US) which would alleviate the tariffs, Ford wants revenge. Is there a brain in that head?


That's nice. Doesn't most of the Canadian energy that goes to the US come from Quebec, though?




Do start a fight you can not finish. Get rid of the Canadian problem and the tariff problem will go away.


Don’t start a battle we will lose at! Just fix the border issue… it benefits both countries!


The only reason Ford is premier is because the provincial Liberals and NDP make Trudeau and Singh look like Winston Churchill.


Ford is a fool for this statement.


 America can ramp up their own production and cut us out of their system entirely.


 If we even threaten to use energy as a weapon against the states we are signing our own obituary.


 We need to export.


Those threats are as real as Jagmeet tearing up the agreement with the Liberals. Total BS


Sure. Why not. Let's make everything worse.


That’s no threat to us in America - We will soon put sanctions on Canada if they try anything. We have the power.


Weird flex. Ford should look at how much of our food is imported from the US. We stop export energy. The US can stop exporting food. And Jan 20 is the middle of winter.


Atta boy Doug.  He only responses to strength.  I think we supply it for a really cheap price too.


Do something about the boarder and crime you ass


Canada is like that 125 pounds woman who trains MMA casually who thinks they can beat a man twice their size


Doug Ford's threats against the powerful never materialise. This is reelection fodder for the coors drinkers in the suburbs.


So you don’t want to secure the border and stop the drugs from coming in?


He's not very smart.


Why do I get a feeling that Doug Ford is holding the short end of the stick?


Ontario Premier Doug Ford can go fuck himself!

Pay the tariffs, Canada!


He plans to freeze Canadians in winter?


Looks like Trudeau found a friend - and he's a Conervative


America can make it's own energy


He’s as stupid as he looks


If you’re not selling your electric power, you’re certainly not going to be able to eat it. The blue states might be inconvenienced by it for a while, but you might want to rethink your choice


Doug Fraud at it again with the bull   the only energy Ontario exports is crap wind power, and the  pretty much does us a favour buying it - at steep discount - because it’s so unreliable


I think he might be talking about electricity but Ontario pays American electric utilities to take Ontario’s surplus wind electricity. Doug Ford is the dumbest premier I’ve ever seen.


Ford is a fool


Team Canada at work. Huffing and puffing while blowing our own house down. God forbid they should work with Trump to secure our borders, fix the terrorist and drug problem in our country, like all Canadians want.


Another clown right there


You can’t out Trump America idiot


Just lock the fucking border down clowns


Congratulations on being selected to join the United States of America. As the 51st State, there are some ground rules you will need to follow. In the United States, states must adhere to several foundational rules and principles outlined primarily in the Constitution,


Another patent demonstration that he is a total incompetent. But even though, it's better than ANY liberal in charge.


Don’t be stupid Doug.


Bend the knee Canada or tariffs will be the least of your problems


US Army would like a word.


America needs to take care of their own border. They let in 20 million people, gave them free hotels, phones, healthcare and money. And yet…. We are the problem.


Doug Ford is being an idiot of Trudeau proportions.


Don’t be stupid Doug.


Bend the knee Canada or tariffs will be the least of your problems


US Army would like a word.


America needs to take care of their own border. They let in 20 million people, gave them free hotels, phones, healthcare and money. And yet…. We are the problem.


Doug Ford is being an idiot of Trudeau proportions.


I think Trump is right, Canadians and our governments, lowl, we're Allies, and I thought we were supposed to work together and everything to make our countries rich, I'm prosperous. Listen to Trump he obviously knows what he's doing. He's a very smart man.


Every nation needs to do this. Canada alone is just pissing into wind.


I watched this live. He did no such thing. He bent over backwards to acknowledge the value of a great trading relationship with the US.


Holy shit he’s more stupid than I thought


out of all countries out there, decided to go after Canada first. We stood shoulder to shoulder in difficult times but now it’s time to stand up for our own. Bring it on and we will show what united Canada is.


Ummmm….this tells me that PMJT plans on keeping our borders open……we need an election


It's probably not a good idea, Ford.


Love #Ford and am tipping him to be Canadian Prime Minister, who would unite the left and the Centre. Frankly we need a Prime Minister from Ontario not from Quebec for a change.

Can we just cut off energy to the United States?


North American Energy Reliability Corporation #USpoli #CDNpoli #onpoli Thread


North American Electricity Reliability Corporation  @USpolitics @CdnPoli @jimcarr_wpg @liberal_party @CPC_HQ @NDP @BlocQuebecois See thread... circa 2012 to present... your friendly Cyborg X


Love #Ford and am tipping him to be Canadian Prime Minister, who would unite the left and the Centre. Frankly we need a Prime Minister from Ontario not from Quebec for a change.


Can we just cut off energy to the United States?


North American Electricity Reliability Corporation  @USpolitics @CdnPoli @jimcarr_wpg @liberal_party @CPC_HQ @NDP @BlocQuebecois See thread... circa 2012 to present... your friendly Cyborg X


hope he didn’t tell them where the water tap is


Make it happen Doug! We need to fight back


Southern Ontario should become the 51st state!


As a provincial premier, he has no authority to cut anything. It sounds like he wants to run for prime minister.


100% support all Premier positions in response to Trump's tariffs.


Do it! We love $100 oil here in Texas. Lots of jobs in these small oil fields when it gets there.


better follow suit and limit energy exports to the US.


Douggy... We don't want this


Just about McFuckin Had it


serieusement pensez vous vraiment quil ny a aucun contracts comme la russie avait et a honorer


not happening.


Just secure the borders!!!!!!


DF the Great


Team Bully Ford, why am I not surprised.


Oh no, what will we do? No butter tarts!


Might have more relevance if he was Premier of Alberta




Does Ontario have energy to cut off?


He's crying on the inside, and it shows




He needs to stay in his lane!!!


Yeah that'll help.


Do it now.


He's comfortable coming up with plans that won't affect his province.


doug ford tai un jambon


We wouldn't be in this position if our governments did their job in the first place.


Smartest thing I ever hear


Ok Dougie….you go have another beer…




things didn’t go well with the meeting today ? We would like more details ?


Love this guy!


Show boat. He can’t do that and he knows it. He wants an invite to Mar Largo so he can look important.


I don’t agree with Doug often but this one is a great idea!!!


Ha!  Let the fun begin !!


Do it


This will be funny lol this is going escalate things 100x


Fix the border, not complicated


Good luck with that


How about water?








Poliviere's response?




Good more money for Alberta


It’s not an Ontario issue. It’s an Alberta issue.


Now we're talking.




Find out here how to take action if the tariffs are implemented on January 20th, 2025.