Remember That Time a Protester Attacked Jean Chrétien?

This morning as I reflected on the state this country is in, I started thinking about the type of leadership that is required right now to stand up to Trump.

I remembered an incident that happened many years ago. When a protestor attacked former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, he showed us all that body guards are a nice perk of being a Prime Minister but that he didn’t really need one.

He took care of it.

I also remembered another incident which I thought showed courage. When a Saudi teen ran away from her oppressive and violent environment, Chrystia Freeland went to meet her at the airport.

I don’t think I would have been that brave.

I am also reminded of a few days ago when Doug Ford retaliated by saying he would turn off the electricity.

The Type of Leadership Canada Needs Right Now.

In a leadership course I took a few years ago, I learned about situational leadership. The way you lead in a crisis is not the way you lead the rest of the time. A crisis requires a specific leadership style. A leader may even adjust their usual leadership style depending on the situation.

So I think I will just jot down a few notes right now about the type of leadership style that is required. And yes, in case anyone isn’t sure, I am calling the current situation a crisis.

Leadership requirements

  1. Courage to fearlessly face the threat
  2. Belief that Canada is a sovereign nation equal in every way to the United States
  3. Courage of their convictions about Canada’s strengths and what Canada brings to the table
  4. More concerned with unity as a nation than partisan politics
  5. Commitment to fighting for Canada
  6. Support from Canadians to fight the battle for Canada’s economy
  7. Willingness to fight for Canada using the resources that we have to leverage
  8. Not the type to be bullied
  9. Equipped with real data and the truth about Canada’s border control and fentanyl situation
  10. Belief that what rightly belongs to Canada, meaning Canadian land, should be protected

Find out here how to take action if the tariffs are implemented on January 20th, 2025.