The Power of Business Boycotts and Why I Love Them

Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955, defying segregation laws. Her arrest sparked outrage, leading Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders to organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

For 381 days, Black residents refused to ride city buses, severely impacting revenue. As the boycott gained national attention and legal battles ensued, the Supreme Court ruled segregation on public buses unconstitutional. Facing financial losses, the bus company had no choice but to integrate, marking a major victory for the Civil Rights Movement.

Put Simply, boycotts work.

PDF of The 67 American Products to Boycott If Tariffs Against Canada Are Implemented

How to Boycott 67 US Products to Combat Tariffs Against Canada

How To Replace 67 American Products You Use With Canadian Products